FOUR days of festival – THIRTEEN shows

THREE of which completly free!


Gala Inaugural (Gratuït) [ Afternoon | Plaça de la Vila ] → with Jordi Pota


Tast amb màgia [ Night | Oratori St. Felip Neri ] → with Pere Rafart



Gala Màgia Solidària [ Evening | El Centre Gràcia ] with Mag Stigman

Gala Golfa [ Night | Golem’S ] → with Shado


Màgia a la Plaça (Gratuït) [ Matí | Plaça d’en Joanic ] → amb Magic Pol

Màgia de prop [ Migdia | Orfeó Gracienc ] amb Álvaro Oreja

Gala Internacional x2 [ Afternoon + Night | El Cercle de Gràcia ] with the shows of Héctor Mancha + Mag Albert + Mario López + Jaime Figueroa as presenter

Gala Golfa [ Nit | Golem’S ] → amb Shado


Màgia a la Plaça (FREE) [ Morning – Plaça d’en Joanic ] by Set de Màgia

Màgia en família [ Noon | Lluïsos de Gràcia ] with Txema Muñoz

Màgia pels petits [ Afternoon | L’Autèntica Teatre ] with Maga Gisell

Gala Unipersonal [ Tarda | El Cercle de Gràcia ] amb Mag Lari

🕥 The events do not overlap time wise so that if someone wants to attend all the events, they can do so.

♿ All sites where activities are carried out are accessible to people with reduced mobility.

👶 Children aged 3 and under can enter for free but not enjoy a seat. They will have to stay in the lap of relatives.

🧒 Special ticket with a reduced fee for ages between 4 & 11 years old.

💳 Discount for people with Carnet Jove or EYCA (European Youth Card). Showing the accreditation’s validity will be requested at the event’s entrance.