He masters pickpocketing like no one else. He knows how to constantly surprise and challenge the audience and their expectations He has made magic his identity and his way of life. It is with each trick that he finds the excitement and adrenaline that allow him to get up every morning to make everyday an…

Energetic multifaceted artist, combines magic and illusionism with modern dance choreography and juggling games conveying incredible joy and good vibes Stigman is a psychologist, graduated in psychology and professor at the Universitat Ramon Llull – Blanquerna. He combines his artistic side with pedagogical innovation. Thus, in parallel, he offers training sessions, both for students and…

An unparalled expert in card magic, both his skill and his versed humor and charisma will not leave you indifferent He is also a usual in several television programs on national channels such as TV1, TV3 or Telecinco. He has even participated in some foreign television. R&D manager of “El Rei de la Màgia“, the…

He is the Festival’s Artistic Director. He has organized other magic festivals such as: Una Tona de Màgia or Magikae Jordi Pota (Tona, Osona) defines himself as much more than a magician. Communicator, actor, illusionist and playful, he is passionate about culture and it shows through his 15 years of undertaking and devising new projects.…