A few words from the organizers

From Gracia’s territory, we want to promote and make visible our ability to work collectively in order to place the focus, over the course of a few days during the month of October, on one of the arts known to all since our childhood and not always valued and promoted enough: the world of magic and illusionism.

VILA MÀGICA, 1st Internacional Festival of Magic in Barcelona, ​​is the result of a total of interactions, willingness, generosity and voluntary work from a set of different and complementary entities of Gràcia, who are committed to the culture and spectacle in various forms.

Below you can get to know them from their own voice 👇

Associació Cultural L'independent de Gràcia

L’Associació cultural L’Independent de Gràcia is the entity that promotes and promotes the publication of the free weekly newspaper L’Independent de Gràcia since 2014. We also carry out other communication actions and dissemination of initiatives related to the socio-cultural and communicative revitalization of the social, sportive, cultural and economic fabric of Gracia’s territory in a collaborative network with different entities and organizations from the district.

Become a member! and help us to be able to continue strengthening our neighborhoods by offering a close and direct version of the current events that surround us and shape our day to day.


Golem’S is a space that hosts a wide variety of performing arts, from the most current Stand-up to the established Tap Jams, or the fantastic magic shows.

Our place, with its characteristic tables and chairs, allows you to enjoy a drink from our wide range at the ambigú while enjoying the show.

A cozy theater that will make you feel at home and also a perfect setting for first dates.

Lluïsos de Gràcia

Lluïsos de Gràcia is a socio-cultural and sports association, non-profit, founded in 1855 in Vila de Gràcia with the aim of offering training spaces through culture, leisure and sport, fostering the personal growth of adults and accompany the development of children and young people. To this end, we offer a wide range of cultural and sports activities that promote the values ​​of associationism in a climate of respect and coexistence. Much of Lluïsos de Gracia’s activity is based around the different sections that compund the entity and the members who organize them on a voluntary basis: volunteering is the engine of the organization.

In addition, we promote other activities and projects in order to stimulate Catalan culture, identity and language, respect for the environment and gender equality. Among them are the Verdinada (from 2008), the Festival Màgicus (from 2010), the DescoNNecta (from 2015), el Club de Lectura (from 2013) or the Residències Teatrals (from 2015).
We work in a network, on a local scale and also with a global vision, to promote inclusion, self-management and citizen participation. Because we want to be an entity open to the neighborhood and an example and reflection of the changes and transformations in society.

El Cercle

El Cercle is an entity from Gracia with 121 years of history rooted in the territory and a vocation to serve people through culture, language, artistic expression and sport.

Privately owned, it is supported by membership fees, the activity it generates and some public subsidies.

The current location of the organization dates back to 1921 when the members bought from Francisca Soler Jordana the properties at Carrer Trilla 7 and 9, and Santa Magdalena 12 and 14, for a value of 60,000 pesetas.

At El Cercle we are organized through Areas and Sections, whose activities have tried to respond to the interests of the members in accordance with the tastes, priorities and needs of each historical, political and social era. However, we can affirm that theatre, music, sport and hiking have been the haystacks that have shaped our reason for being and continuing.

We firmly believe in the associative model and watch out to continuously adapt to the demands of the new times, while trying to be open to the plurality of sensitivities that surround us.

L'Autèntica Teatre

L’Autèntica is a theatre, school and production company located in Barcelona’s Gràcia neighborhood.

Our program is dedicated exclusively to early childhood (from 0 to 6 years), and we offer a space for creation and exhibition to companies specializing in this age group.

We also create our own stage shows, both for children and adults.

In addition, at L’autèntica we are committed to educating in the arts and offer a large selection of theater and film courses for all ages.

Associació Catalana d'integració i desenvolupament humà

We are a declared Public Utility entity, which since 1994 has been working for the attention of people with LIM (Limited Intellectual Functioning) and mild intellectual disability (DIL).

Our main function is the provision of services to meet your needs at a social, work and training level and to dedicate ourselves to improving your quality of life, throughout your life cycle.

We take care, in a comprehensive way, of the people of the collective in the field of education, work, leisure, housing and psychological-speech therapy.

We work to defend and promote their rights, as well as to raise awareness in society and obtain all the necessary resources to offer the care they need.

Our MISSION is to be referent in comprehensive care for people with FIL, DIL and other diversities in Catalonia.

Gràcia Solidària

Gràcia Solidària brings together the social entities of Gràcia, and we declare as our own the common will that we express in daily action. We value the diversity of people, experiences and views of the world as wealth. We manifest the daily commitment as an instrument of intervention in reality to bring closer the balance of people and towns, and their environment.

With a local presence and global projection, we work around the world promoting the following objectives:


Raise awareness, inform and spread the work of the entities that are part of us and strengthen solidarity networks. And to denounce the situations of injustice that are experienced in the world.


With less developed countries and with the people who live there, as well as refugees and displaced people, to send them material aid and technical support.


Support and support the member entities of Gràcia Solidària so that they can carry out their work around the world in the best possible way.


El Centre Gràcia

El Centre Gràcia is a historical entity of Vila de Gràcia founded on February 2, 1869.

Dedicated to culture, sport and leisure, we currently have six sections:
Theatre, Chess, Table Tennis, Dominoes, Choir and Sant Medir.

We also regularly hold activities such as: cultural outings, conferences, Jazz concerts and Jam Sessions, Literary Vermuts, Bridge and Rummikub.

With more than 500 members of all ages, who are the soul of the organization, El Centre Gràcia moves towards the future with a firm step.

Our doors are open to all Gràcia’s neighborhood and the city of Barcelona.

See you at El Centre!

Orfeó Gracienc

At Orfeó Gracienc we have been enjoying singing and music for more than 120 years.

In our space you will find choirs of singers and an offer of musical and instrumental learning for all ages.

We are a music school, recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya, and we also dance.

Orfeó Gracienc is the reference choir in Vila de Gràcia, and one of the references in Barcelona and Catalonia.

Come and enjoy spaces specially prepared for music and dance.

We are in the neighborhood of La Vila de Gràcia. Visit us and sing or dance with us.