A formidable duet of theatrical comic magic with their own style and +10 years of experience. Charismatic and thoroughly unique

Arnau Perramon and Gerard Revuelta form this duo which, with more than 300 performances throughout the Catalan territory, few stages are left for them to step on. Thanks to their entertaining personality and ability to improvise, they achieve an experience in which magic is the common thread, but comedy and madness are their forte.

Known for their purple clothing, and their commitment to quality, passion and teamwork, since the beginning Set de màgia has devoted all efforts to the promotion of magic as a form of artistic expression, considering it one of the most complete arts that exist.

Set de magia wants to bring a new artistic concept to the biggest theaters around the world, change people’s preconceived ideas about magic and squeeze everyone’s artistic spirit to “Make life a funnier place”.

They will charm us with their show: «Les dues cares» for free in Plaça d’en Joanic.