An unparalled expert in card magic, both his skill and his versed humor and charisma will not leave you indifferent

In love with magic from the age of 17, reading and participating in magical societies, he studied “Audiovisual Production, radio and shows” and “Advertising and Public Relations”, but soon decided that his place was not within a multinational but doing shows all over the world

Now, with an extensive experience, he also provides training for apprentices, team exercises, script consulting, creation of custom magic games for advertising and anything else that he is asked and finds interesting.

He has won the following prizes:

He is also a usual in several television programs on national channels such as TV1, TV3 or Telecinco. He has even participated in some foreign television.

R&D manager of “El Rei de la Màgia“, the oldest magic shop in the world, located in the city of Barcelona.

He will entertain us with his magic up close during the «Tast amb Màgia» at Oratori de Sant Felip Neri de Gràcia. An event dedicated to those people who want to support the festival from the first moment.