Specialized in musical and visual magic. Creator of unique atmospheres, he plays with light and darkness to create great illusions

Albert Picollà Queralt (Mag Albert), Barcelona 1997, resident of Reus (Tarragona), is a young and prolific illusionist, with an extensive career in the world of magic.

He currently performs an average of 150 performances a year thanks to his team of collaborators.

His magical beginnings are explained from his number EVOLUTION-ACT, through which he obtained the first prize in Concurs de Talents de Tarragona 2013, the second prize in the Concurs de Màgia General de Montgai Màgic 2013 and the first prize in the Concurs de Joves Mags Màgicus of Festival de Màgia Jove de Barcelona 2014.

Since then he has produced and presented eleven magical shows and four actings for galas in the specialty of great illusions, which have led him to perform in theaters and festivals from all over Spain and Andorra.

Since February 2015 directs ALBERTPIQ ILLUSIONIST, a performing arts company dedicated to the production, distribution and exhibition of musical and visual magic shows for children and family audiences, themed and educational shows.

In 2023, he experienced one of the highlights of his professional career when he performed a show in front of more than 92,000 spectators at Camp Nou Spotify in Barcelona. It was on the occasion of the Final Four Kings League -Split 1 celebration, promoted by former FCBarcelona’s player Gerard Piqué and the Streamer Ibai Llanos.

His magic shows are always very visual, performed with a dynamic, joyful and elegant rhythm. In addition, they are characterized by a careful production of special effects, music and lighting.

In this festival he will present the show «GLOW» during the Gala Internacional at El Cercle de Gràcia. An event where we will discover a wonderful palette of colors, which transform and shine in a very special way under the magical effects of an invisible black light.